Recently, I finished watching the Battlestar mini series and the first season. It’s a very entertaining and well produced, however I do have some gripes leading into the second season. Beware, are spoilers here! Why is there only one freaking Doctor out of forty seven thousand-odd humans? Surely there’d be at least one or two […]
Continue ReadingJake and Toni are home
This morning around 10:30am both Jake and Toni left Calvary for the journey home. Both Toni and I spent the night at Calvary getting to know our son. He is in fine form, feeding well and he seemed to really enjoy his trip home. In fact, he was in so much awe that he stayed […]
Continue ReadingJake 2.0
The title says it all really, he is like a whole new baby. Little Jake has developed in leaps and bounds, and doesn’t even remotely resemble the hurt and sore bub we met early on Monday morning. He is now a bonafide bouncing baby with parents who are pleased as punch. It only took him […]
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