MIXC Centre, Mexican..

A few weeks we took a trip south east to the new HangZhou city centre to go ice skating at the new MIXC Centre.  It was only opened in early May this year and as a result many stores are still in the process of moving in.  The ice skating rink on the other hand, […]

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May 2010: A Photo Summary

Well G’Day Everyone, Just tonight, I finally got around to downloading Toni’s photos off her camera from the month of May 2010, and I thought I’d put together  bit of a photo montage combining a few random shots that we’ve both taken last month. I just recently posted a new page for the site – […]

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Xujiahui Shopping District‎

Full post TBD, for now.. some photos from Shanghai’s premiere shopping district:       [1] http://maps.google.com/maps/place?oe=utf-8&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a&um=1&ie=UTF-8&q=Shanghai+Shopping+District&fb=1&hq=Shopping+District&hnear=Shanghai&cid=17232302352242955163

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