Daily Snow Watch

Here’s some photos of the nearby mountains from around 9:30am this morning.  As you can see, it has left a nice amount of white snow across the city skyline here in north HangZhou.  Last night the snow was falling but failing to really create much of an impact on the ground. It is quite cold […]

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Nightime Snow Pics

  Tonight we had our first dusting of snow.  Above are pictures from the balcony, some 24 floors above the ground – it’s starting to get quite interesting, as you can see. Tomorrow is going to be (forecast) as the coldest day this week; the weather is destined to improve and be sunny by Thursday, […]

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Is that.. snow?

Well it is Monday and as we have become accustomed to it being, well, cold.  However, today it is actually snowing.  It’s not quite piling up, but it is certainly falling from the sky.  Toni, Matt and Chen have gone out to do various tasks while I am holding down the fort (not that I […]

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