Well folks, it’s been a heck of a year for both Toni and I. We relocated from sunny Queensland in Australia to the exotic and alien surroundings of HangZhou, China and recently spread our wings and embraced our second cruise of the Mediterranean Sea.
Let it not be said that 2010 has been boring. However, we’re both at a significant set of crossroads and we’re floundering for some idea of what or where to go next. It’s traditionally a tough time for making these kinds of decisions, and many work opportunities dry up so close to the major holidays.
By the time the west has recovered from the holidays, it’s almost time for Chinese new year (in February) during which the whole country tends to shut down. So we’re in a bit of a bind. Our rent is covered until February, same for our visas – then what?
We could move back to Australia, but the whole rent/buy of residential property is a mess, and we’ve had too many years of being excellent tenants only to have the place we’ve been living in put on the market (and the stress of all that entails).
We could stay put, but the market here is undervalued and a better life can be had in many other locations.. which leads us to.. Should we relocate somewhere else?
So.. if you have any thoughts or ideas please let us know.. 🙂