Sunday Pictures – Laohe Mt

Posted On By Rob

Today we climbed nearby Laohe Mountain, you can see its location relative to Wenyi Lu in the terrain map courtesy of Google, below:

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The second photo is a view south from Gucui Lu, not far from the Wensan Lu intersection,  It gives you some idea how high the mountain is. 

Once we had crossed Tianmushen Lu (via an underpass) we spent about half an hour trying to find the way up. 
This included getting lost inside what was most certainly a residential complex.


Eventually we found our way up the side of the mountain along paths that varied between loose rocks and complete (new) concrete structures.
In the photo above, left, you can see the path we took and on the left, a representation of the path we had to climb.



We continued upwards at a great rate, pausing to rest about three times (to catch our breath). 
In the photo above (far left) is one of sections of path we had to climb in order to reach the top. 
The middle photo above is a shot taken in the direction we had come – via Gucui Lu – the opposite of the first photo from above.

Once we finally made it to the top, we had sweeping views of southern HangZhou including the massive lake. 
Above, right is a photo of Toni with HangZhou as a backdrop.


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After taking many photos and resting, we began our decent back towards home. 
Above are some pictures of our return trip, which was much easier than the initial climb.


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At the bottom of the mountain, at the intersection of Gucui and Tianmushen was this nice statue facing south from the canal.
Tracing our path back up the canal, we came across the lovely area pictured on the photo above, right (just beautiful).

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Once back in our complex, we found that the water feature’s waterfalls were running, so we managed to grab a few happy snaps of the water.
We’re quite a bit tired now, and it’s about time for dinner..  Enjoy!

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2 thoughts on “Sunday Pictures – Laohe Mt”

  1. Yeah, I think HangZhou is a bit of a hidden gem. It’s smaller and less polluted than Shanghai, Beijing or Hong Kong and very beautiful. They have really tried to make it nice here, especially in the past 10-15 years as they have added gardens around the canals. There’s still plenty of areas (like north HangZhou) which are ugly, but it’s improving rapidly.

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