Today we are at sea on our final day cruising. We are headed to Barcelona at about 20 knots, and should be disembarking at around 7:30am tomorrow morning. We are doing a post-cruise tour to Montserrat which will drop us off in the city center at the end.
It’s nearly the end of our cruise and there are so many people to thank for our excellent voyage. First off, a huge thank you to Pat (PC) and Kristi for saving our sanity during the early stages of the cruise and for taking us under their wing(s) – we’ll see you sometime soon!
Then, our shore buddies (and Cruise Critic pals) Steve & Melissa (Go the Sox) who shared Athens and Egypt with us, and numerous quiz rounds. We hope your wedding photos turned out great and that it’s not too damn cold when you get back to the windy city!
Our dinner companions Ray and Lillian, for the excellent conversation and food commentary – we hope their new home is a great one When we weren’t feasting in Chops Grille or Portofino, Ray, Lily and our excellent Main Dining Waiters did a marvelous job in boosting our spirits!
Then there’s Dennis & Donna who we had long chats on the tour bus with – as well as the many times we bumped into each other on shore visits. We also have to sneak up on Chris & Jen (we’re their designated stalkers) we almost always seemed to run into each other be it Giza, Rhodes, Mdina or Athens! Thanks to Le and Paul for organising the tour in Egypt and Mary-Alice for being such a stand up gal – actually our whole tour group were great. Go Cruise Critic!
To Ryan and Carli – shame we didn’t hook up until late, but we’ll hopefully see you in the morning on the Montserrat tour. Have fun in Adelaide and stay in touch To Don and Karen (Dotti), we hope you had fun on the tours and hope we might catch up with you on another cruise sometime. We’ll always have the Hop on/Hop off bus!
We return to Barcelona and the journey continues – stay tuned for more.
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