A quick update

Posted On By Rob

Hi Everyone,

Well, it’s been a busy week and we’ve hardly had much time to rest or even write a blog entry.  I’ve really kicked it up my work a notch since I stopped going to Uni, although it has come at the expense of my knowledge of Mandarin, so hopefully we’ll be able to figure something out soon, I hate to fall behind.

Toni is still hitting the Uni even though it is hard to follow, and her Mon/Wed/Fri teacher banned English in class after Wednesday’s class this week.  Hopefully that ban will be lifted next week.  We hit the Vineyard (a local ex-pat hangout) on Wednesday for poker night, but it was just for kicks and we hung out and met some new people.  We should be seeing some social activity this weekend hopefully, perhaps on Sunday.

This weekend is actually a public holiday (including Monday) so we’re not sure what to expect.  We’ve heard all the shops and things will be closed, so we stocked up on food and essentials this evening just in case.  Aside from the interruption to Google on Thursday night, not much else has been happening.  We went into the city district yesterday to find Toni a new pair of boots, and also to source some new coffee for the office/kitchen.  The city is a lot like any other downtown location – not as pleasant as where we live in the northern part of HangZhou.

Anyhow, we’re chugging along and looking forward to warmer weather.. whenever that may come along.

Best wishes to Paul, Will and Trish who are all set to meet up in Japan next week.  We’re very jealous as we’d both like to visit Japan as well.  Look forward to hearing stories!

Cheers…….. R

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