Revisiting Wu Shan

Posted On By Rob

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Today we made a trip to Wu Mountain, which I visited last October.  It was, as it was before, nice and green although unfortunately, not the clearest day.  This time I took along my trusty Olympus E-620 with my 11-22mm wide angle lens.



As you can see, it wasn’t the clearest day however it was still quite a spectacular view and the huge pagoda is still quite wonderful.


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Inside the museum, I was able to take some very nice pictures of the scale model of Song Dynasty era HangZhou (pictured above) as well as an alternative view from the upper levels (above, right).


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The mighty structure is also seen above, left and is in really good condition.  There are a number of facilities such as a restaurant/tea house.

Finally, we spent the afternoon in the old part of town (pictured above, right) before grabbing a bite to eat of Chinese dumplings!

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