Recent Pics

Posted On By Rob

Here are a few recent photos from our travels.

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Here’s two pictures from the HangZhou botanical gardens, which we travelled to via a tunnel we discovered via a road near our apartment.
It was a bit of a muggy/cloudy day, but the ride was great, and it’s such a beautiful area.

Next up, taken on the same day, how does this look for a public library?  Yes, the photo above is HangZhou Public Library, and it’s quite a nice looking public building.

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Lastly, a few photos from last night down at Binjiang.  Situated to the south of XiHu (West Lake), and across the river is Binjiang, which is a new and upcoming area.  The night was organised by the Four Points Sheraton, and cost 150 Yuan per person, which included all you can eat BBQ and drinks – including a very nice array of wines; Wolf Blass Chardonnay, Chilean Cabernet Sauvignon and even more white wine and beers.

The first shot is looking north-west towards the setting sun – on a beautiful, clear day.  In fact, it was so clear that we could see the mountains to the south, and all the way to the third bridge.  The second photo is of an unfinished duo of round buildings which look quite interesting – no idea what they are going to be.  Lastly, a shot of the river at night – isn’t it nice?

Anyhow, it’s been a long hot day and I’ve run out of energy to write anymore :| 
Check back soon for more details.

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